Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 5, 2013

STORM LARGE - CRAZY ENOUGH Maybe you only remember Storm from Rockstar Supernova (or whatever it was called that season), but she has been around the music scene for quite a while and puts out some interesting music. The songs on this album were written for her one woman show and cover the full spectrum, from the rocking Eight Miles Wide to the quiet Lullaby Song. She has a great voice and should have definately been a bigger star. Live, she puts on a hell of a show.

FORT COLLINS BREWERY - CHOCOLATE STOUT  Above average stout, a little thin on flavor, with a slight chocolate/cocoa taste. I would have preferred a little more chocolate flavor, but overall it is an easy drinking stout and worth the try.

1 mile on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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