Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013

COUNTING CROWS - AUGUST AND EVERYTHING AFTER-LIVE AT TOWN HALL  Their great debut album played  live. The liner notes say some of these songs hadnt been played for years and some of the newer band members had never played them. A great album played in its entirety live, and sounds great. This seems to be a trend for alot of bands in their live shows the last few years, to play one of their albums in its entirety live.You can really tell the hardcore fans at these shows, as they know all the songs, just not the hits.

O'DELL BREWING - IPA  I reallly like this beer. Smells fresh, piney and citrusy, slight bitterness but really well balanced. I actually tried this one on tap at the brewery a few weeks ago and it was even better fresh. O'Dell has some really nice beers, and i have more i will be trying soon.

3 miles on treadmill

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