Thursday, March 28, 2013

March 28, 2013

AC/DC - POWERAGE  There's not much better than Bon Scott era AC/DC. This one has a little more blues feeling to it than any of their other albums.Down Payment Blues, Riff Raff, Sin City, and Up To My Neck In You are my favorites, followed by Rock N Roll Damnation and Gimme A Bullet. Not bad i guess when i list 6 of the 10 songs as favorites. Probably their most underrated album but anything with Bon Scott is a must in my book.

AUGUST SCHELL BREWING CO - FIREBRICK  A nice lager from Schells, kind of like a Sam Adams, but maybe a little better. A nice choice if you dont like the darker more hoppy beers, very drinkable.

2 miles on treadmill

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