Monday, July 1, 2013

July 1, 2013

FOUNDERS BREWING CO. - RUBAEUS  Just picked this one up on Saturday based on a reccomedation at Zipps in Minneapolis (although i would have given it a try anyways). Smells great, raspberries and more raspberries. Not real complex but smells like it should. Taste is the same, which is just fine with me, as raspberries are my favorite fruit. Really nice flavor that is not too syrupy or sweet. Just a nice smooth easy drink. As far as fruit beers go, this is among the best. Wish i would have bought more. Next time i guess.

JASON ISBELL - SIRENS OF THE DITCH  This is Jasons first solo album from 2007 after he left the Drive By Truckers. Interesting that most members of DBT played on the record, but he left the band right after. Pretty much sounds like all the songs he wrote/sang for DBT. He is a great lyricist and some of these songs probably didnt fit into the DBT sound but have that unique Isbell touch. I think the songs that are rhe furthest from the DBT sound are the best. A nice southern country rock album. Favorites are: Down In A Hole, Dress Blues, Grown, and In A Razor Town.

1 mile on treadmill

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