Tuesday, July 30, 2013

July 30, 2013

BOSTON BEER COMPANY - SAMUEL ADAMS LITTLE WHITE RYE  Not bad, smell and taste both have a wheat backing with a little citrus and rye spice. Sage and rye is pretty prominent though and seems to overpower any of the citrus. Kind of unique, while nothing spectacular, it is a nice change of pace and quite drinkable. Another decent Sam Adams offering.

K7 - SWING BATTER SWING  When this was released back in the day it was one of my favorite records, but after listening to it a couple times today, it has lost its appeal a little. Kind of dance-pop-club-party music. Their big hit was Come Baby Come. I suppose it could still pump up a party. Best songs: Come Baby Come, Lets Bang, Zunga Zeng, Body Rock, and Move It Like This.

1 mile on treadmill, 90 minutes of tennis

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