BOSTON BEER COMPANY - SAMUEL ADAMS IMPERIAL STOUT Label says it deliver rich notes of dark chocolate, coffee and anise. When i poured it, it was black as night; the only aroma i could detect was the coffee. Taste is roasted malts and roasted coffee, I still get nothing as far as the chocolate (which i was hoping for since i am not a big coffee guy). The alcohol is a little obvious in the taste too, which i guess you could expect with a 9.2 ABV. I was kind of expecting more from this one. Good properties for the style, but the taste was just lacking for me.
ATMOSPHERE - YOU CAN'T IMAGINE HOW MUCH FUN WE'RE HAVING I should have probably listened to their albums in order, but didnt. This is actually their 5th studio album. At the time still kind of an underground hip hop act, but getting more popular wuth each release. Comprised of Ant and Slug, this duo is great. Ant lays down some slick beats and Slugs lyrics are as good as ever. I love these guys, every album is good. It took a few listens to digest, but as good as any of their previous efforts with them growing some too. Best tracks: The Arrival, Hockey Hair, Bam, Pour Me Another, Smart Went Crazy, and Little Man. If you like hip hop and have not checked these guys out, your loss.
2 miles on treadmill and 14 mile bike ride
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