Thursday, July 11, 2013

July 11, 2013

LAKEFRONT BREWERY INC - EASTSIDE DARK  Decent smell, pretty nuch straightforward malts, nutty and a little caramel. Starts dry and sweet, hints of coffee and floral hops in the taste, and finishes with a little bitterness. Pretty nice balance but not very complex. Not a bad lager, but not very inspiring either. Saying that though, it is still perfectly pleasant to drink. Lakefront does a good job on their lagers.

JANES ADDICTION - NOTHING SHOCKING  Second album release, but their first studio album. Nice heavy rock punk mix. Great album, from the opening kick in your face track Up The Beach to the crazy last track Pigs In Zen, this album keeps you guessing all the way through. Some great slower tempo and great hard rock all mixed together. One of the better albums of the 80s still rocks today. My favorites: Up The Beach, Ocean Size, Had A Dad, Standing In The Shower...Thinking,  Mountain Song, Idiots Rule, Jane Says, and Pigs In Zen. I think that is all but 2 songs and those aern't bad either. Fun album.

1 mile on treadmill

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