Tuesday, July 16, 2013

July 16, 2013

ODELL BREWING CO. - DOUBLE PILSNER  I have really liked every Odell beer i have tried, so was looking forward  to trying this one. Not much to the aroma, biscuity with some earthy/grassy hops. Most pilsners have a hoppier taste than say a lager, and this one does too. Flavour is really good on this one. Nicely balanced, grassy notes and some slight citrus hops. Has a ABV of 8.1, but i really didnt notice any alcohol warmness at all. While i have not tried many of this style, i think this one is pretty good overall. Glad i bought a couple 4 packs ad i really enjoyed the first one.

JANES ADDICTION - LIVE IN NYC  The most recent release from JA was just released a couple of weeks ago and is a live offering from a show from Terminal 5 in NYC on July 25, 2011. Janes was always about the live experience and this CD is a great capture of that. This has all the classics, and interesting in that there is only 1 song from their last 2 studio albums. Makes sense, perform what the people want to hear. The band is tight and it sounds really good. Rocks from beginning to end, if you a Janes fan, check this one it, it will bring you back to the days when they were at the top of the game. FYI - this was also released as a dvd, which might be worth checking out.

2 miles on treadmill, 75 minutes of tennis

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