Saturday, July 27, 2013

July 27, 2013

NEW BELGIUM BREWING - LIPS OF FAITH HEAVENLY FEIJOA TRIPEL  This cimes in a 22oz bottle with a 9% ABV, i somehow wound up with 2 bottles of this one (its getting harder for me to keep track, i might need to start bringing a list with me to the liquor store). Smell has a lot going on; floral, fruity, spicy. The taste starts out slightly floral, but that gives way ro the fruits, which are somewhat tart and bitter. Not a huge fan of this one, its pretty sweet and the bitterness/sourness sticks out too much for my taste. Although, it is a good example of a tripel which i have not tried many of. This one is not my favorite in the Lips Of Faith series, but i could see some people really liking it, so ita definatly worth giving a try. New Belgium certainly isnt afraid to try new stuff.

NEWSTED - METAL  This is the new band from Jason Newsted, former bassist for Metallica and a few other bands. Just a shoelrt little EP with 4 songs (Soldierhead, Godsnake, King Of The Underdogs, Skyscraper)to tide fans over until the full album comes out. This really reminds me of early Metallica (Ride The Lightning and earlier) or Motorhead. Good classic heavy hard rock, cant wait for the new full length album.

6 mile bike ride (on the new bike)

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