Monday, July 15, 2013

July 15, 2013

BOSTON BEER CO. - SAMUEL ADAMS NEW WORLD TRIPEL This comes from their barrel room collection series; 750ml bottle, 10.0 ABV.  Aroma seems to have  lot going on, lots of tropical fruit and a touch of spice. Flavor starts with the tropical fruit; pineapple, mango, banana; a nice combo of flavors.  One downside is the alcohol is apparent almost immediately and i notice it all the way through, i would like it to be a little more hidden, but its not real bad. It had a nice smooth semi creamy mouthfeel, and it goes down real easy. Pretry good beer, probably ine of the better Sam Adams beers i have tried.  Nice.

JANES ADDICTION - THE GREAT ESCAPE ARTIST  This was released in 2011, 8 years after their last studio album. While an ok record, it lacks the excitement and originality of earlier releases. While i was not a huge fan of the last record, it still grows on me a little whenever i give it a listen, this one doesnt seem to have anything screaming at me to keep trying.Nothing groundbreaking, just some slick over produced radio friendly rock. Compared to some rock out there today, its pretty good, but as far as JA standards, it just doesnt cut it for me.  Favorites: End To The Lies, I'll Hit You Back, and Broken People.

2 miles on treadmill

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