Wednesday, July 17, 2013

July 17, 2013

STONE BREWING CO. - IMPERIAL RUSSIAN STOUT 2013  While Stone seems to put out a lot of quality beers, they seem to be hit or miss with me, however, this one is really good. Aroma has a lot of roasted malts and lots of coffee and chocolate notes. Taste is sweet chocolate and creamy coffee upfront. Rich, creamy and decadent taste with the alcohol coming through at the end (10.1 ABV), but overall its pretty hidden. This is exactly what a Russian Imperial Stout should be. Great nose and flavor make it easy to drink even though its pretty heavy. Actually seems to get better as it warms up. Check this one out, you will not be dissapointed.

SMASHED GLADYS - SOCIAL INTERCOURSE  I absoultely loved this album when it was released in 1988. Classic hard-sleaze-hair-glam metal record. This was their 2nd and final album. I have been looking for their self released debut since i heard this one, but still have not got it. (not willing to pay $100 whenever it shows up on Ebay). They were more lumped in with the hair metal scene but i think they were more in line with Guns N Roses. This album rocked, straight up rough and raw hard rock. I think they got overlooked and were very under appreciated as they were really good. Hard rock with a great female vocalist. Favorites: Lick It Into Shape, Play Dirty, Hard To Swallow,  Legs Up, Cast Of Nasties, and Sermonette. If you can find it, buy it.

3 miles in treadmill

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