Saturday, February 15, 2014

February 15, 2014

BADGER HILL BREWING COMPANY - CHERRY DOUBLE DUNKEL  First beer i have tried from this Minnesota company.  From what i remember, sold out pretty quick at most retailers. Aroma is cherries, wheat, and banana. Taste is sour cherry  with notes of banana, kind of odd. Based on the name on the bottle, i was expecting more cherry, but it wa pretty muted. Seemed a lot like a Hefe with some cherry notes. Pretty dissapointing, not sure what all the excitement was upon its release, not sure i will be picking it up next year unless i hear they change it up some.

THE STATESBORO REVUE - RAMBLE ON PRIVILEGE CREEK   First heard these guys opening for The Departed a few years ago at the Cabooze. Short show, but boy did they impress me. Bought their self released debut cd after the show and have been following them sense. This is their 2nd release and it doesnt dissapoint. Nice Americana, blues, rock sound.  Great songs and great musicianship, i think they can only get better. Highlights:  Fade My Shade Of Black, Huck Finn, Isabella,  and Hands In The Sun.

3 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

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