Tuesday, February 4, 2014

February 4, 2014

GOOSE ISLAND BEER CO. - NUT BROWN ALE  Nice malty aroma; toasted malts, nuts and a little sweetness. Taste is malty right away and then nutty with a light sweetness. Also has a small hint of chocolate. This is a very nice and easily drinkable brown ale. This would be a great dessert beer or even a go to if you want something easy to drink, full of flavor, but not too heavy.

KISS - CRAZY NIGHTS  Not one of their best albums, but very listenable. Has a lot of catchy pop rock songs. One of their least heavy albums, but i really enjoy it. Highlights: Crazy Crazy Nights, I'll Fight Hell To Hold You, and Reason To Live.

1 mile on treadmill

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