Monday, February 24, 2014

February 24, 2017

BROOKLYN BREWERY -  BROOKLYN,SILVER ANNIVERSARY LAGER  Wound up with a couple of bottles of this one. They had different labels, so i thought they were different beers, turns out they had 4 different labels for this beer. For a big annivesary beer, i was expecting more, but not bad. Lots of malt in the aroma with floral and caramel hops and a little grapefruit. Taste follows the nose. Pretty underwhelming overall. Not quite what i would expect from a lager, but was not bad to drink. More maltiness than anything. Not bad, but was expecting more, worth a taste but nothing special. I maybe should have saved the 2nd bottle and let it age a little bit. Oh well.

SAMMY HAGAR - RED VOODOO  Sammys voice is incredible, love this album. Was a fan of his earlier solo work, then a fan when he was in Van Halen, but i think his solo work after that was even better. This was his first album with the Waboritas after his Van Halen stint.  Great band, Vic Johnson is one of the best underappreciated guitar players out there. Fun album and Sammys voice still dominates. Favorites: Mas Tequila and High And Dry Again. Just a straight up fun rock album.

3 miles on treadmill

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