Wednesday, February 26, 2014

February 26, 2014

BLUE MOON BREWING COMPANY - PROXIMITY  "Wheat ale brewed with the juice of sauvignon blanc grapes."  Smells alot like a mild white wine, a little fruity, and a bit of wheat malt. Not bad. Taste is sweet, with a little wheat, small hints of hops, but not much. Pretty faint overall. Actually crisp, clean, smooth and easy drinking. A fair attempt at pairing wine and beer, but just not something i would buy again. I will stick with the regular Blue Moon offerings.

G LOVE AND SPECIAL SAUCE - G LOVE AND SPECIAL SAUCE  G Love has an interesting style, a white guy mixing hip hop, blues, rap, and rock. Very eclectic. I always find his albums kind of middle of the road, but he really shines live. This one isnt bad though, still fresh. Favorites: Cold Beverage, Babys Got Sauce, Rhyme For The Summertime, and Shooting Hoops.

1 mile on treadmill

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