Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21, 2014

ODELL BREWING COMPANY - FRIEK  A little mini vertical tonight as i had a 2014/2013 and 2013/2012 bottle of Friek from Odell. "Ale with cherries and raspberries added and aged in oak barrels."  My palate is not sophisticated enough to notice any differences between the 2 bottles, both seemed close to the same for me and as the labels have the exact same wording, im guessing the same formula was used each year. Anyway you look at it though, its a great beer. Aroma is full of sweet cherries, a little apple cider and a little barrel wood.  There is a little raspberry, but not as much as i hoped.  Taste starts with the tart cherries and a little sweetness. Also get a little apple, grapes and raspberries. A little more sour than i expected, but almost perfect. I liked this one alot, its very fruit forward, but not too sweet and is balanced nicely with its sourness. Great beer, but at this stage, i expect no less from Odell, the only downside to me is the price point, but considering how good it is, i guess i can live with that.

AC/DC - FLICK OF THE SWITCH  This has always been one of my favorite AC/DC albums. They had just come off 2 classic albums after the death of Bon Scott (Back in Black and For Those About To Rock) and they kind of went "back to basics" on this one and produced it themselves. Has almost a live feel to it. Great record, no stand out songs to me, just solid all the way through. Definately an underappreciated record in my opinion. When you have heard Back In Black so many times (not that it is bad by any stretch, one of their best albums for sure) throw this one on and turn it up.

2 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

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