Sunday, February 16, 2014

February 16, 2014

NEW HOLLAND BREWING CO. - EL MOLE OCHO  Was looking forward to giving this beer a try. High ABV of 10.5%. Label says "our exploration into the flavors of the mole, the legendary sauce of central Mexico."  Aroma is mostly dark chocolate with slight coffee notes, i dont pick up much of the spices at all, their there, but very faint. Taste is a chocolatly up front, with hints of coffee, and you get a little chili heat in the finish. The chile heat seems about the right level without being overbearing. The chocolate just seems a little off. Seems a little on the thin side for how high the ABV is too. Nice idea for a beer, but just seems a little off to me, but i will give it a try again next year to see if they have it more dialed in.

ATMOSPHERE - SAD CLOWN BAD FALL  Another nice little ep they released to keep the fans happy before they released their next full album. Only 5 songs, love the live guitar base on this ep. Not as good as the last one, but a fun little record.

2 miles on treadmill, 30 minutes on bike

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