Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 2014

NEW GLARUS BREWING COMPANY - STONE SOUP  Aroma reminds me a lot of a Hefewissen style beer even though the label states its a Belgian Pale Ale. I get some spices, bananas, bready malts and some floral hops. Flavor is a little spicy  and much more Belgian like than the smell.  Big banana taste. I liked it, it was very drinkable and goes down easy, but seems more like a Hefe/Belgian mix yo me. I like the change up, but it seems that i like everything i have tried from New Glarus, so i'm not too surprised.

STEVE VAI - FLEXABLE  I have been a big Vai fan since he was playing with Frank Zappa. What he can do with a guitar is just insane. This is technically his first solo effort from 1984 and I'll be honest, its not the easiest record to listen to. Not so much songs as a lot of guitar improvisation and experimentation. I swear every time i listen to it i pick up something different, just amazing if you are a guitar fan. I was lucky enough to see him live a few years ago, and the show was unbelievable. The sounds that he can get out of a guitar will astound you. If you are knew to him, i would start with one of his later records though, but i think you will be surprised by all of them.

1 mile on treadmill

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