Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 2014

INDEED BREWING COMPANY - LSD HONEY ALE  Wow, this has a huge floral aroma, very perfumey (if thats a word). Huge amounts of lavender and some light fruitiness. Not much honey as the name suggests, but as it warmed it was more noticeable. Very aromatic, interesting. Taste is no different. Lavender sticks out the most, some dark fruits. Again, they honey is hardly noticeable for most of the drink, but gives it a little sweetness in the finish. Very interesting, but the lavender is just a little too overpowering to me. Worth the try, and if they dialed down the lavender some it could be very good.

PEARL JAM - BACKSPACER  Decent effort from PJ, but not my favorite album of theirs. Love the song The End, so that is why i pulled this one out today, as i just had a craving to hear that one. You can never go wrong with a little Pearl Jam though.

1 mile on treadmill

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