Thursday, February 20, 2014

February 20, 2014

OMMEGANG BREWERY - GAME OF THRONES TAKE THE BLACK STOUT  I was looking forward to giving this one a try, huge fan of the show, first beer i have tried from this brewery.  Smell has some dark fruits, roasted malts, a little bit of chocolate and some spicy yeast. Not as good as i was expecting, but not bad. Taste pretty much matches the nose. Strong yeast mixed with dark fruit, coffee and chocolate. Maybe a hint of licorice as the label states, but pretty faint. Not a bad beer by any means, but just a little unremarkable. You'd think taking the name of a huge hit TV show they would want to make it something to remember. They tried, but it just didnt do it for me. Unless you are a big fan of the show and want it for the novelty, not worth seeking out.

BIG HEAD TODD AND THE MONSTERS - LIVE MONSTERS OUTTAKES  A nice little EP of 6 live songs they didnt have room to put on their 2008 live release Live Monsters. Everything BHTM does is good and this is no exception, just too short. Interesting take on Everyday People, fun listen, and if you can see them live, do it, they put on a great show.

2 miles on treadmill

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