Wednesday, February 5, 2014

February 5, 2014

STONE BREWING CO. - SMOKED PORTER WITH VANILLA BEAN  Aroma is straight up vanilla with some roasted malts and a little chocolate as well, but the vanilla really dominates. Very nice. Taste is strong vanilla up front with a little roasted coffee and chocolate malts. Just a slight hint of smoke, but the vanilla hides that pretty well. I tried the straight version of this a few months ago (Smoked Porter) and really liked it other than the excessive smoke flavor. This version sure took care of that! Very good. Drinks easily and has a great mouthfeel, i could drink  few of these in one sitting no problem, although if you dont like vanilla you will probably be turned off.

AC/DC - HIGHWAY TO HELL  One word: Classic.

1 mile on treadmill

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