Tuesday, February 18, 2014

February 18, 2014

BAD WEATHER BREWING COMPANY - SCHOKO-WEIZEN  Big scent of banana and spices, clove stands out the most. Hints of chocolate, but not as much as i was expecting. Taste is yeast driven with lots of banana and chocolate. Almost reminds me of a hefeweizen with chocolate added in. Also has some coffee hints and spices. Flavor is actually pretty mild overall though. Interesting mix of aromas and flavors, but nothing really stands out. It just doesnt deliver enough. Not bad, theres nothing really wrong with it, but just not good enough to make me want more.

KISS - KISS  Hard to believe that this, their debut album, was released 40 years ago today. It took me a few records to get on the band wagon, but i was a huge fan soon enough. Amazing debut, just pure rock and roll. Contains the classics: Stutter, Cold Gin, Black Diamond, Nothin' To Lose, Deuce, and Firehouse. These are pretty much all still in rotation today in their live shows. Still sounds fresh all these years later.

2 miles on treadmill, 1 hour on bike

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