Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Yesterday concluded month 2 of this little experiment and we will call it a success. April was a little tougher as i was in Atlanta for The Final Four for a lokng weekend. While the beer and the music were no problem, i found it harder to find time to get the mile run/bike in, but i know we did a ton of walking, so i am considering that good. I know the hotel to the bar we adopted as home for the weekend was 3/4 mile walk each way, so a minimum of 1.5 miles each day plus all the other stuff we did.

For April, my $50 donation went to The One Fund - Boston. For those that have been matching my donations or would like to contribute, please visit:

Excited for some warm weather finally in May, to get the bike out, and to enjoy some good beers outside. Last weekend i went to a Wild and Twins game and spent some time Saturday morning accumulating some more beers. I now have roughly 100 different ready to try, so here's to May!

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