Monday, May 20, 2013

May 20, 2013

BRANDI CARLILE - BRANDI CARLILE  This is her self titled debut album. Brandi has an amazing voice and could probably sing anything and i would like it. Its hard to believe this is a debut album. Every song is good and the production is amazing for a debut. A very interesting mix of genres; rock, pop, folk and country and her unique voice pulls them all off. The big hit was Closer To You, but i think they are all good. I have been lucky enough to see her live quite a few times, with her full band and her just solo. She puts on a great show and is definately worth checking out. If your not familier with her, this is as good a spot to start as any.

ABITA BREWING CO. - 25TH ANNIVERSARY VANILLA DOUBLEDOG  This comes in a 22 oz bottle. I actually found this one in a gas station in Sioux Falls, SD yesterday. I didnt see a born on date on the bottle, but their 25th anniversary was in 2011, so i am not sure if they are still making it (too lazy to Google it) or if it is aged. It really doesnt matter though as it tasted just fine. The smell is not particularly strong but the vanilla leads the way with a little caramel and chocolate too. The flavor is delicious vanilla and slight caramel and toffee also. With a name like Vanilla Doubledog i was expecting the vanilla to dominate, but it doesnt and lets the other flavors shine. It balances out quite nicely. I really liked this one, vanilla beers seem hard to do right and Abita did a good job on this one, one of their better beers.

1 mile on treadmill

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