Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29, 2013

THE SMASHING PUMPKINS - MELLON COLLIE AND THE INFINITE SADNESS  While never a huge fan of the Smashing Pumpkins, even though i think i own all thwir albums, this one has always been a favorite for some reason. Over 2 hours long and with 28 songs, this was an ambitious album. Some aongs just dont work, but thankfully thise are few and far between, and overall it is a enjoyable listen. They cover all genres on this one; rock, pop, folk and even classical. Top songs were Bullet With Butterfly Wings, Tonight Tonight,  1979,  and Thirty Three. Dont be fooled by just the hits though, there are a lot of other solid tracks too. It has great depth and great range, thi was just one of those moments in time where the stars aligned and rhis great record came together. While alot of double records have too much filler, this one is close to perfect. Possibly one of the best 90s releases.

LAKEFRONT BREWERY INC - WISCONSINITE SUMMER WEISS BEER   This is a prett nice hefeweizen. Heavy smell of wheat and straw with a hint of bananas and lemon. Taste is about the same as the smell, which is good. This is a pretty refreshing and drinkable beer. Its a lighter beer that actually has alot of flavor. Its true to the style and its interesting that all the ingredients are home grown in Wisconsin. Nice one if you like the style.

2 miles on treadmill

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