Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21, 2013

LIVING COLOUR - VIVID  I forgot how good this album is. Released when hard rock and rap was at the top of the charts, this debut from an all black rock band was groundbreaking. This set the table for alot of future rap/rock acts. Unless you lived under a rock in 1989 you should remember their breakthrough hit Cult Of Personality, which has become a classic. Most of this album is good, there are a couple clunkers, but that is acceptable on a debut. They had better albums, but this is a great start to get familiar with their work. This one rocks and has stood the test of time.

RUSH RIVER BREWING CO - INDIA PALE ALE  I just had a single bottle of this, the smell is kind of blah. A little grassy and citrusy/lemony, but not much there. Hops hops hops, that is all i get on the taste and i dont get any of the citrus at all. Seems a little for my taste and is a little on the bitter side too. There are a lot better IPAs out there, so no need for this one again.

1 mile on treadmill

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