Friday, May 24, 2013

May 24, 2013

BLEU EDMONDSON - SOUTHLAND  A little red dirt Texas country for a Friday afternoon. This is Bleu's debut album. This guy has a great voice and his music straddles the line between country and southern rock, he's got that perfect rasp to the voice. A lot of "springsteen" style stories in his songs with great lyrics.  My favorite is $50 And A Flask Of Crown, but album on a whole is pretty solid.

HORNY GOAT BREWING CO. - HORNY GOAT OKTOBERFEST  This one is a little old, but no drink by date on the bottle, so giving it shot. Smell is pretty basic, a little caramel but pretty flat. Flavor is o verall pretty weak, seems thin and watery. Just not much to it, i would try a fresher one just to see, but my guess is its just an average beer.

1 mile on treadmill

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