Monday, May 6, 2013

May 6, 2013

JUST ICE - KOOL & DEADLY Probably one of my favorite rappers of all time. He never had great commercial success but that had nothing to do with the quality of his albums. This was his 2nd album and some in the hip hop community consider it an all time classic. This is just great street hip hop. Solid lyrics and great production. I consider him one of the best lyricists of all time and this is a must have for any hip hop fan. Only 9 songs, but all good and when its over you will hit play again.

ROGUE ALES - SANTAS PRIVATE RESERVE ALE  Starts with a malty aroma with a little sweetness, but not much there overall. Taste has the sweet malty flavor up front followed by a little fruitiness and pine taste to finish. For a holiday themed ale, its just ok, i was expecting more of the holiday spice, but it just wasnt there.

1mile on treadmill and 1 hour on bike

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