Tuesday, May 28, 2013

May 28, 2013

SALTY DOG - EVERY DOG HAS ITS DAY This is a great overlooked album from a great overlooked band. Released in 1989 during the hair/hard rock era, this was their debut and only album as far as i know. This is fun bluesy hard rock album. I'm not sure why these guys never got the acclaim they deserved, they were alot better than alot of bands from that era. I think they got lost in the shuffle when the grunge scene took off. I really enjoyed the whole album, in fact I listened to it twice today. Check out Come Along,  Heave Hard (She Comes Easy), Lonesome Fool, or Sacrifice Me for a taste. I think they are worth the time.

ANCHOR BREWING CO. - ANCHOR SMALL BEER  Labeled an English Bitter. I am not real sure about this one. Smell is faint, a little slightly toasted malt and a little grassy hops. Taste is kind of bland, tastes more like a lager along the lines of a Budweiser, but a little better. As expected, the aftertaste is a little bitter, but not as bad as i was expecting. Overall, just kind of a unmemorable one, I probably wouldnt seek it out again.

1.5 miles on treadmill

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