Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 12, 2013

THE BILLYS - ROSES AND FLOWERS AND PLANTS  The Billys were a great little band from Minnesota. They released 4 albums and this was their debut and probably their best. Kind of considered alternative country or american rock, in the lines of The Gear Daddies. I was turned on to them by one of my best friends who knew them in college and actually had them play at his wedding. I love this album and it is still in heavy rotation for me today. Fourteen songs and all of them are good. I think Holiday and Weatherman  are my favorites, but as i said, the whole album is solid. They are not too active anymore, but still get together every now and then for a live show. Its too rare though, i would love to see them more. Check this one out if you can find it.

WELLS & YOUNGS LTD - YOUNG'S DOUBLE CHOCOLATE STOUT  Smell is rich and chocolatly and with a hint of coffee. Taste is not too bad, but kind of bland, i was expecting more as i had heard pretty good things about it. I only got a little bit of chocolate in the taste and it was pretty flat and thin as to what i would expect from a stout. It was within the 'best by' but maybe it was just a bad batch, i will have to try it again someday.

3.5 miles on treadmill

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