Tuesday, May 14, 2013

May 14, 2013

CARRIE UNDERWOOD - SOME HEARTS  This is the debut album from Carrie after she won American Idol (incidentally, a show i have never seen). I'll admit, i was late to get on the bandwagon, but glad i did. Her voice is incredible and powerful and as a bonus she is damn fine on the eyes too. This is actually a really good album for a debut. My favorites are Wasted, Dont Forget To Remember Me, Jesus Take The Wheel, and Before He Cheats. A few too many 'slow' songs for my taste, but i think they were really trying to hit both the country and pop markets and get mass appeal, which they definately did. Well worth checking out.

WELLS & YOUNGS LTD - BANANA BREAD BEER  First off, this 4 pack didnt last me long, as i really enjoyed this one. I think this could be a real hit and miss for people depending on how big a fan of bananas you are. Smell is strong banana bread. The taste is very refreshing, a little hops up front with the banana flavor coming through at the end. I found it smooth and easy to drink and would definately have it again. I think of it as a fun beer to try as there are only a few breweries i am aware of that are doing this style. I would like to find some of the others to compare, but for now i am pretty happy with this one.

2 miles on treadmill

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